Polo is 14 years old. He’s been with us since he was 6 weeks old. People say a samoyed can live up to 15 years. Guess you know the picture i’m trying to paint.
The very first time Tyler came home and cried on the bed, Polo jumped onto the bed to find out what that strange noise is. Polo just looked intensely but then jumped back down. He just knew there’s a new member to the family.
Alannah was scared of him up till she was 5/6. She saw him as this giant dog that will hurt her. She would run away and hang onto me and demand that he’s not allowed to be in the same room as her. One day, she was lying on Tyler’s rug and polo was there so she made a move to pat him and he was just lying there letting her do what she wanted. He won her heart from that moment.
Fast forward to now, they both adore him particularly Alannah, All her screensavers are pics of him. She wants to sleep with him and to give him the world. Everything is Polo. Tyler is the same. Polo is Tyler’s morning companion. Polo sleeps under Tyler’s Bed.
No doubt this year, Polo must think “why are you guys home all the time? You don’t go to school nor holidays!” I wonder if he wants us to leave so he can have some space and peace.
We are trying to spend as much time as we can with him. We took him for a bush walk and was knackered by the end of it.
I know the clock is ticking and we are not ready. The kids will never be ready.
Jan 27, 2021